What is Data Vault

Sai Prabhanj Turaga
2 min readApr 20, 2024


Data Vault is a modeling methodology and architecture designed for building highly scalable and flexible data warehouses.

It was developed by Dan Linstedt in the early 2000s as a response to the challenges faced by traditional data warehousing approaches in handling complex and evolving business requirements.

Key characteristics and principles of Data Vault include

Hub-and-Spoke Architecture : Data Vault uses a hub-and-spoke architecture, where data is organized around three main components: Hubs, Links, and Satellites.
Hub — Represents a business entity or concept (e.g., Customer, Product).
Link — Captures the relationships between hubs (e.g., Customer-Product interactions).
Satellite — Stores descriptive attributes related to hubs and links over time (e.g., Customer address history).

Flexibility and Scalability : Data Vault is designed to accommodate changes in business requirements and data sources without requiring major redesigns. It provides a flexible framework for integrating new data sources and evolving the data model over time.

Historical Tracking : Data Vault emphasizes historical tracking of data changes, maintaining a complete record of data changes over time. This enables auditing, compliance, and historical analysis.

Data Quality and Consistency : Data Vault promotes data quality and consistency by separating raw data from business rules and transformations. This separation facilitates data lineage and traceability, making it easier to identify and address data quality issues.

Load Patterns : Data Vault supports various load patterns, including Full Load, Incremental Load, and Historical Load, allowing efficient and scalable data ingestion processes.

Scalability and Performance : Data Vault architectures can scale horizontally to handle large volumes of data and support parallel processing for improved performance.

Agility and Iterative Development : Data Vault enables agile and iterative development methodologies by providing a modular and extensible data model. This allows for incremental changes and continuous improvement based on evolving business requirements.

Overall, Data Vault is aimed at providing a robust and scalable foundation for building enterprise data warehouses that can adapt to changing business needs and data sources over time.

It is widely used in industries with complex data integration requirements, such as finance, healthcare, and telecommunications.

